Today I decided to take my recycling out. I had a few errands to run, and it's a beautiful day. I got to my normal recycle spot, and the big dumpster like bins were gone. Still not sure if they were just being emptied, or have been permanently removed. I've since found another one (way closer to my house) and I'll make a trip over there before dinner and after a quick episode of Buffy.
So, I took myself off to the city recycling center behind City Hall. I piled in my plastics and cans into the bin, careful to take back the bags to reuse (as well as being told by all the signs that bags were not allowed in the bins). I usually recycle my junk mail, but this spot only had a separate bin for newspapers. I had plenty of those coupon flyers with the weekly grocery store ads, which count as newspapers as far as I'm concerned, being on newsprint, and also included in the weekly paper, which I dutifully separated from my opened junk mail to deposit in the bin. The last load I had my keys in my hand and somehow they slipped off my finger and into the bin, lost forever I was sure. Sadly, I didn't have my spare key for the car, nor did I have spare keys for the house if I could even get the car going.
I stopped a nice young couple who had dropped off their recycling at the same time and they helped me look for the keys. After several fruitless minutes, one of my good Samaritans saw a police officer in the parking lot. I walked over and spoke to the officer and he said he would be back or send someone soon, but he had an issue to handle. I thanked him and went back to the bin, telling my flagged down rescuers that they were off the hook. I looked from the other side, but I couldn't get myself in the bin (need arm work, upper body strength has never been my forte). The young woman moved some more papers and found the keys in a pocket, and her boyfriend kindly climbed in and rescued my keys.
I was so happy, I thanked them both a bit gushingly and asked them if I could buy them dinner or something to thank them. They shook off my offers and left to the rest of their beautiful Sunday. I pulled my car around away from the bins (Sunday seems to be a busy recycle day, or it was just beautiful out and people were cleaning or something). Reading in the car, I waited for the police officer to return, not wanting to be the girl who cried wolf. Not a big deal, but when he came back in about 20 minutes, he was very kind and happy I had resolved everything satisfactorily. He even gave me his card.
I swear, I don't do things like this on a regular basis. Knock on silicon, I didn't lock myself out of the dorm, out of my apartments, out of my house, out of my car. And my keys are gonna stay much closer, like in my pocket or purse, instead of my hand. What was I thinking?
Even though I thanked everyone involved personally, I want to send a very grateful thanks out to the two strangers who helped me out today, as well as Officer Yopp, who did come back to check on me. My faith in humanity and the kindness of strangers has been refreshed.
Thank you.