Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

Happy Leap Day, everyone!

As usual, I took today off. I only get one leap day every four years and I'm not giving it to corporate America or anyone else.

I spent most of the day in the company of the lovely and talented Girlzoot. We did some art store shopping, bought elephant journals (happy coincidence, not a planned occurrence), got some jewelry (earrings for GZ, ring for me), and had some tasty nachos at Good Friends down on Colfax.

After a brief stop at home to unload the car and paint my nails, I headed out to Wits End Comedy Club with Glenda. We ran into a group of other folks from the office and friends. The comedians, Scott Derenger and Ron Feingold were quite funny. Ron did a combination of standup and A Capella, which was originally a bit odd, but turned out to be hilarious. I bought his cd, and can't wait to listen to it.

All in all, a good Leap Day.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bowling, Brendon, Byways, and Books

Exciting news: Bowling league starts next Tuesday! I’m bowling with three ladies from work Tuesdays between next week and the end of April. Sweet deal, too, at the end of the series, we get a custom drilled bowling ball. I just recently bought myself shoes and a ball which I can’t wait to bowl with. Here is a bit of my dorkiness coming out, and I don't care. My shoes have stars on them, and they glow under the black light. Cosmic Bowling, here I come!

Hollywood excitement: Nicholas Brendon is going to be on Criminal Minds on the first new episode in April. He’s also signed on to be a recurring character, Kevin Lynch. I’m wondering how it will work out with Garcia; he left her workplace in a total mess and she wasn’t terribly happy. “Kevin Lynch, you may be cute, but if you ever mess with my stuff again…” I’ve heard from a very reliable source that there is some sort of unclothed action involved in Nick’s return. Probably works out. For everyone. *ahem*

Today, I took the kitty cab out with Alec. I found a long trail that goes behind the railroad tracks by my house and over several blocks between open space and some single family homes. I was out for an hour, listening to my new tunes. There’s an irrigation ditch along the way that reminds me of the ditch by the apartments I grew up in. Two boys were playing next to some trees by the water, and it made me think of times I spent in Lakewood by the water, watching waterbugs skimming the tops of the brown wavelets and playing out the latest episode of our favorite action show.

I’ve started a class online called “Listen to your heart and success will follow”. I’m starting to do the lessons and it’s been very interesting so far. The second lesson is about accepting the past and moving on, and it was quite emotional. It didn’t help that I was reading it at the mechanic waiting for my brakes to get done. Next week, I should be back at the Library and I’ll work on my homework there. I’ve got to write my life story, which should be interesting.

Last bit of news: I finished two of my books for the BSF Goals (see the side bar for the link) this week. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (the Golden Compass / Subtle Knife / Amber Spyglass trilogy). Very interesting. Many Christian groups have had a lot to say about the story and I heard that the movie The Golden Compass was boycotted by some groups. The first book, and indeed the movie, do not get deeply into the crux of the religious issue. While I don’t subscribe to the view of religion and metaphysical reality in the book, I believe he portrayed his vision well and with a subtle beauty that is still with me. It is a children’s / young adult book, but as many books and movies these days aimed to the younger crowd, it has something profound to say to adults as well. I really loved the portrayal of the ‘soul’ as a creature, part of you yet separate, that you could talk to and gain comfort from, and love.

I also finished the Best American Short Stories 2003. These stories, published in US and Canadian magazines, individually were very good, and as a whole left me with something rattling around inside. I will probably come back to these stories. I love short stories, and I will definitely look up this series to get some of the other years’ anthologies.

I started Brave New World and the Science Fiction Treasury. I generally read books in tandem; it just works out for me that way.

Ok, my kitten is sleeping with his head up, all bunched up on the couch under the open flap of the box my bowling ball came in. His ears are twitching every time I stop typing and his front paw is tucked up over his chest as if he were holding something close. It’s very cute, but my camera is far enough away that he would wake up if I moved. Early for bed, but then again, cats sleep what 14 hours a day? Maybe he’s just catching up.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Random Thoughts

Lately I've been watching a lot of tv shows on DVD. I just finished Bones season 2, which I enjoyed. I particularly enjoyed the story arc between Jack Hodgins and Angela Montenegro, culminating in a trip to the altar. I also got Kitchen Confidential with Bradley Cooper and Nicholas Brendon. Hilarious. Another mid season cancellation on Fox back in 2005. Currently watching Shark with James Wood. Premise: an excellent defense attorney switches teams and begins working for the LA DA. So far, interesting, good. Next week, I'm starting a deep foray into the Buffyverse, when Buffy the Vampire Slayer begins coming from Netflix. I think I have a little Hollywood crush on Nicholas Brendon, who plays Xander. Fun, fun.

Plainsong on Tuesday was excellent. The staging was amazing, with all the hydrolics and a huge cast. Stephanie Cozart, who I've loved in everything I've seen her in at the DPCA, portrayed a depressed mother trying to make her way out of the darkness and John Hutton was her estranged husband teaching history at the local high school. A student even gave a 'speech' on the Burr/Hamilton duel. Family and community come together in unique ways in the end. If you get a chance, I'd recommend seeing it.

Friday night I played some pool with TJ at Woody's and at Zoosters. I'm getting much better, hitting the ball I'm aiming at and actually getting some pretty sweet shots. Called the 8 ball wrong and lost, but it was still a gorgeous shot. Had some very tasty ribs at Brothers BBQ after pool and was home by 10pm. Sweet.

I got a chance to catch up with Shaych at the DPL for writing Saturday morning(ish). Got some written on By the Light of the Faerie Moon and got to fall in love with his iPhone. Seriously, shiny.

Taxes are done, sending them in Monday.

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Grown-up stories

Today I went to The Thrill of the Game at the DPCA. I took the light rail downtown from Aurora and met my mom and my aunt and uncle. It was general seating, and we got our 'regular' seats, which we'll be sitting in on Tuesday for Plainsong.

The performance consisted five different stories with a sports theme. First was Casey at the Bat, read after a rousing group sing along of Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Next was Needle Match about tennis, which was very good and a little creepy. After intermission, we had Lightweight Champion, translated from Spanish, which I think was my favorite, gritty and sad. Raymond's Run, about a girl and her brother; I could just see them running. A rousing rendition of Who's On First by Randy Moore and Kathleen Brady rounded out the afternoon, just before milk and cookies.

I love being read to, and after listening to several books on cd, I've come to appreciate the skill involved in reading a story. Today, I really enjoyed being read to live by some very talented people.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Catching Up

Ok, I missed a Sunday. Here's the scoop.

Friday night Glender, TJ, AmyDee and I all went to Wits End Comedy Club. We saw Scotty Goff and the man was hilarious. We were all laughing so hard we cried. And he sang to me. I couldn't stop laughing.

Afterwards, TJ and I went to Red's Pub and played some pool with Jimmy, who turned out to be the GM of one of the downtown Denver bars. He was good; he won all games until close when he scratched on the eight ball, effectively beating himself.

I stayed out way too late (got home and in bed at 3am) especially since I had surgery last week. It was fun tho, by the end of the night I knew everyone's name (and I even got hit on sort of).