Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The smell of the ocean

I've taken a step in the direction of better health. I've joined my local Curves, an exercise club for women. The little perky teenage girl at the desk showed me around the machines, and since I'm a pretty quick study, I think I have the workout down. I have an assigned locker in my office lockerroom. I bring in my sweats and tennis shoes, and I've gone to work out three times since Friday. The plan is to go every MWF after work. Maybe if I get in gear in the morning, I'll go before work... but probably not for a while (so not a morning person).

The first night after I did the training turn around, I sat in my car with the window down and my bottle of water, gathering myself for the drive home. Looking up, I saw the sign for the strip mall. It said, in big blue neon letters, Pacific Ocean Marketplace. I'm on the phone with a friend and I tell her cannot believe the audacity of whatever corporate conglomeration that sadly mis-named this area. I live on the Front Range in Colorado. This makes the Pacific Ocean over the Rocky Mountains and across three and a half states and what, a thousand miles away? I mean can you really see the ocean, let alone smell it so far away?


Anonymous said...

Pacific Ocean Marketplace is a giant Asian grocery store. They have a huge selection of live seafood. It's not misnamed; you should check it out.

Joy said...

I had no idea; I thought it was the name of the mall area (like Regatta Plaza near my mom's house - again, we're near no large bodies of water so don't really have many regattas either)

Thanks for the information. I'll have to check it out.