Friday, October 24, 2008

Hope and perspective

For all the world, the stars aligned and everything fit perfectly.

Perfection isn't possible, not for me, though I continually strive for it. I know that in my mind, but my heart often feels different and that if just I could reach that perfection I would be happy.

It's not about being happy, it's not about having everything fit, but it is about my heart. I want to say it is fresh and unblemished, but like everyone, I've been hurt, I've opened myself and been turned aside. I've not said things I should say, things I feel and things I mean, deeply in my heart.

But if my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake
So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break
- Billy Joel "And So It Goes"

My regrets are few, but all have to do with what I have not done, not what I chose to do.

My deepest hope is to share my love with someone who loves me back. He does love me. Where this ends is anyone's guess, but I have hope.

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