Monday, April 04, 2005

Healthy Choices

I decided to start the Body Type diet this week. I’m a T-type, which means my thyroid is my dominant gland. So all of last week entailed getting as much of the foods that I couldn’t have any more. In my twisted logic, it meant that I could have all the Coke with caffeine and sugar (mmmm Coke…), cookies, crackers, fruit juices, chocolate, and refined flour starches. And I did. And now that I overindulged, I’m actually doing quite fine on the scheduled regime.

I started last week having eggs for breakfast (hard boiled) and that went well. I like eggs, and hard boiled are so portable! Lunch today was a single piece of organic rye bread and 4oz of tuna and 1T of light mayonnaise, and a cup of green beans. It seems so strange to be eating a sandwich and a bowl of cooked vegetables. I suppose I’ll get over that!

One of the cornerstones of the plan is the special herb tea. The Raspberry Leaf tea is yummy actually, and I look forward to a nice cup of it this afternoon. Of course, I’m going to keep Traditional Medicinals in business buying 2-3 boxes a week… but that’s the price you pay. I’d like to find some loose, Whole Foods didn’t have any.

And speaking of Whole Foods, I have NEVER seen it as busy as it was Sunday afternoon. All the little carts were gone and I had a big huge one and kept running into shelves and stuff, it was a bad scene. One of the lovely Whole Foods personnel got me a smaller cart after a bit, such nice people.

I also got some awesome help from Ashley in the supplement aisle. I had this 2 page list and she got me all sorts of good vitamins and minerals and other stuff (amino acids, essential fatty acids, etc). I’m going to double check the bottles against the list tonight to make sure I’ve got everything I need, but I’m really happy to have the start I do with Ashley’s help.

And I think I’m going to move in next to the splendiferious seafood counter at Whole Foods. I am definitely getting some Scallops for next week (and I probably will shop up by my office instead of down in Denver).

To tell the truth, I’m actually excited about starting to eat healthier. And the fact that I have the opportunity to shop at lovely natural food stores only adds to my joy. I am pleased to say that this is a plan I think I can stick to, and even enjoy the journey. After all, everything tastes better fresh (and organic)!


GeraniumSA said...

Yay! Vegtables!

Joy said...

Yep, lots of vegetables... one of my new best friends...