Saturday, March 10, 2007

Another Week

My uncle is doing better. I went to see him Monday night and he was still sedated in ICU with a ventalator and a big bandage on his head. Thursday, he was sitting up, breathing room air, and talking up a blue streak. He still has a way to go, but I think he's going to make it just fine.

Work has been interesting, and a bit on the frantic side, but what's new, really? I'm excited about the new position and I would like to get down to business on my new projects. Now, to get management to agree... I have been pulled back into the day to day business pretty strongly. I am going to have a talk with my manager to make sure I'm on the right track.

I really enjoyed the rain today. The clean fresh smell during and after the rain was such a refreshing change after all the snow this winter.

Enough randomness for now, more later :)


Ian said...

The rain last night was nice, wasn't it? It left everything smelling all clean and new and washed away a lot of the last bits of snow.


Sunrunner said...

I was so glad to see rain in stead of snow!!! What kind of surgery did your uncle have to have done? What's your new job position? I'm trying or one of 2 open positions with Lakewood. Either one pays at least $2.00/hour more than what I'm making now. Keep your fingers crossed!

Joy said...

Ian: the rain was heavenly. I even enjoyed walking in it :) So glad the snow is melting.

Sunrunner: Dancing in the rain... lalala :) My uncle had surgery to relieve pressure on his brain after a fall. He's doing quite well excecpt his optic nerve is frayed.

My official title is as long as my arm, I'm the System Administrator for three departments under my director. Basically, work with systems, ownership of policy and procedural content, acting as an expert of the ERP system we run. Fun times! I've been doing the position since August, so it's making it official :).

Keeping good thoughts your way for your job search!

girlzoot said...

Hey Missy!

Glad your uncle is better, and things are headed up for you.