Saturday, January 17, 2009


We had our first writing group of the year at my house today (after a mishap on the ice - banged up my knee). We talked about writing, looked at some old journals (some very old) and discussed motivation.

What motivates your characters? Why do they do what they do? Making the writing about the characters makes for more interesting and more unique writing (not just rehashing something that has been written before and probably better). I've been thinking about writing more lately, not to push it (though I want to finish NaNo 2007 to be printed and 2008 cuz it was a cool story). I'm going to work on motivation (both my characters and my own). Inject some fresh perspective.

First I'm going to get a cheeseburger (sorry Smashburger) for lunch and take another handful of ibuprofen. And watch some NetFlix. But never fear, I will get some writing done - even if it's just writing about everyone's motivation.

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