Sunday, April 02, 2006

Commercial appeal

Today is the first day after turning forward our clocks for Daylight Savings Time. I have one less hour to do all that I want to do today (and I stayed up late last night watching a movie because it was there.) And I've spent probably another hour (or two) messing around on the Chevy Tahoe website to make a Tahoe commercial. I've made four, because I'm an overachiever like that (and easily distracted by shiny things).

Here are the ones I've made (so far... someone please help me!)

Get it
Not a stalker
Sitting around

So much fun!!

I got the idea from EDog - check out his commercials!

If you make one, send it my way :)


girlzoot said...

Get High. Snort.

Kevyn said...

Makes me wanna Taho real bad.... :)