Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Christmas in July?

I'm listening to my iTunes party shuffle tonight, trying to get some juices flowing for writing on my sadly neglected novel. Admittedly, I am using most of my time catching up on favorite blogs, playing a little word game online, and doing a bit of chatting with friends.

So imagine my surprise when We Wish You a Merry Christmas starts pouring through my computer speakers. Here I am sweltering in the heat with a fan pouring directly on me, and a Christmas song just shocks me out of my flow. Thank goodness I hadn't been writing at that moment; it would have turned from spring into winter by the end of the paragraph!

After flipping to the next song, I start hunting out all my holiday type songs and unchecking them. Now, I realize that the genre is defaulted when the music is downloaded or imported. I just couldn't believe the various genres my holiday music spanned. From Country to Electronica/Dance. Sweet! That means I'm eclectic, right?? Or maybe it's eccentric?

I'm due for my NyQuil (we love you, you giant fucking Q!) so I shall bid you all adieu.

Sweet Dreams.

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