Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Munching on pumpkin

Originally uploaded by Arcadiajoy.
Currently, I'm in Santa Fe with some wireless access so I thought I'd post a quick pic.

This horse is outside of the Taos Visitor Center. Since it's now officially fall, he's snacking on a lovely pumpkin, which just made me smile.

Having lots of fun, with the shopping and the museums and the being away from home.

More soon!


Ian said...

FYI, Santa Fe is a real mecca for sci fi writers. I know of several who live (or used to) out there.


girlzoot said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!

Joy said...

Lastone: I'm home now. I did have a great time, thanks!

Ian: I did not know that. Santa Fe was lovely, our stay brief and historically related. I would like to go back for more exploring.

Girlzoot: Happy Birthday to you too!! No wifi access on the 6th - sorry it's late!

Sunrunner said...

Very cool pic! I hope your vacation was relaxing!