Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Catching Up

Ok, I missed a Sunday. Here's the scoop.

Friday night Glender, TJ, AmyDee and I all went to Wits End Comedy Club. We saw Scotty Goff and the man was hilarious. We were all laughing so hard we cried. And he sang to me. I couldn't stop laughing.

Afterwards, TJ and I went to Red's Pub and played some pool with Jimmy, who turned out to be the GM of one of the downtown Denver bars. He was good; he won all games until close when he scratched on the eight ball, effectively beating himself.

I stayed out way too late (got home and in bed at 3am) especially since I had surgery last week. It was fun tho, by the end of the night I knew everyone's name (and I even got hit on sort of).

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