Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Day

Happy Leap Day, everyone!

As usual, I took today off. I only get one leap day every four years and I'm not giving it to corporate America or anyone else.

I spent most of the day in the company of the lovely and talented Girlzoot. We did some art store shopping, bought elephant journals (happy coincidence, not a planned occurrence), got some jewelry (earrings for GZ, ring for me), and had some tasty nachos at Good Friends down on Colfax.

After a brief stop at home to unload the car and paint my nails, I headed out to Wits End Comedy Club with Glenda. We ran into a group of other folks from the office and friends. The comedians, Scott Derenger and Ron Feingold were quite funny. Ron did a combination of standup and A Capella, which was originally a bit odd, but turned out to be hilarious. I bought his cd, and can't wait to listen to it.

All in all, a good Leap Day.

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