Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St Patrick's Day

I'm heading over to Mom's house for St Patrick's Day Dinner in a few minutes, so this will be a quick post.

Bowling is going well. We're all having a blast. I'm consistantly bowling over 100 and getting better at positioning the ball. Having my own shoes and ball certainly help!

I'm still working on my online class. I'm having a bit of trouble with keeping up, but I'll work on it. It's more for me than for the class anyway.

I've been composting a new story idea. I have names of characters, some plot lines, and setting, and a hook. Time travel and separate time lines. We'll see how it comes out, but I'm excited about the characters, which makes me excited about the work.

I cut off about 4 inches of my hair and had it highlighted by the lovely and talented Ursula. Still getting used to the length, but it looks cute.

Anything else I forgot?

Oh, Happy Birthday TJ and Mendel (I doubt either of you read this; best wishes nonetheless) Also, Happy Birthday (late) to Trae. I did email you on the day.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Having a green drink tomorrow night with Glender and TJ.

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