Saturday, September 23, 2006
Day of Projects
Today, I'm planning on getting some projects if not finished, at least started. I have stuff I'm doing for the band for their final shows (which makes me a bit sad), more along the lines of personal projects I've wanted to do for years and just never made it a priority. I've also got a few things around the house to do, so I'll just have to see how much I can get done.
On another note, I received my free* Day Timer leather binder with all the inserts and accoutrements I recently ordered last night. It came with samples of all sorts of different pages, including graph paper! Now I need to get the phone book tabs and I'll be set. Most of my contacts are in my email program or on my Palm (yes, I have both a paper and an electronic planner, I'm finding out what will work best for me as I have used both to varying degrees of success) but I learned from the Laura Stack, the Productivity Pro, to use the alpha tabs in the phone book as a filing system in the planner as well as a phone book. Since there are some very exciting opportunities coming up at work, I want to work hard on my productivity and my organization to give myself that extra boost.
In my slightly scattered way, I just checked my queue in the midst of writing this post. My next movies coming from Netflix are quite exciting, and the tv show is one I've been waiting to see all year (since I don't get WB on my rabbit ears). Netflix is my compromise with myself regarding visual entertainment. I just cannot justify the $40+ a month for cable for me and my kitties, when I have so much else I should do (writing, reading, projects). So I get my movies, fit them in when I can, and call it good. I'm sure I've ranted this before, but I do feel strongly about it (and I can get digital cable at Mom's whenever the urge strikes).
Off to check the mail and get working on those projects.
* with purchase of a year of inserts and S&H, still a good deal overall.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Tagged Again
1. The last movie you saw in a theater, and current-release movie you still want to see:
Saw Cars at the dollar movie – I loved it!
Little Miss Sunshine
2. The last movie you rented/purchased for home viewing:
The Constant Gardner – Very good
3. A movie that made you laugh out loud:
4. A movie that made you cry:
Big Fish
5. A movie that was a darling of the critics, but you think didn't live up to the hype:
um I don’t generally keep up with the critics,
6. A movie you thought was better than the critics:
see above
7. Favorite animated movie:
8. Favorite Disney villain:
9. Favorite movie musical:
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
10. Favorite movies of all time (up to 5):
Princess Bride
To Kill a Mockingbird
It’s a Wonderful Life
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Got Tagged
1. One book that changed your life - the hardest question first. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
2. One book that you've read more than once. – A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving
3. One book that you'd want on a desert island. – A large collection of short stories or fairy tales
4. One book that made you laugh. – Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
5. One book that made you cry. – All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarch
6. One book that you wish you had written. – Wicked by Gregory Maguire
7. One book you wish had never been written. – Mien Kampf
8. One book that you are reading at the moment. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis – funny time traveling literary goofiness
9. One book that you've been meaning to read. Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Business Trip Prep
My department is sending me to beautiful Scottsdale AZ for a conference. I'm going to meet others in my field (which is fairly specialized to CPG companies) as well as folks from my parent company. There will be a presentation by our new software provider about the module we just implemented for my department (for which I'm busily troubleshooting and refining processes). I'm glad I got business cards a couple months back, they'll get a work out this week.
I also have time to bond with my current supervisor, who is the other attendee from our company. We have gotten along well over the last couple months since she joined our department. I'm hoping that the time together will be good for both of us. I know that I can learn a lot from her, and I hope that she can learn more about our specialized field from me.
When I get back, I'll let y'all know how it went. It's a short trip, so I'll see you soon!
Friday, September 15, 2006
It's amazing how wonderful and special things are when they are new. Even a treadmill, pre-owned and representative of long hours of hard work can be a bright and shiny thing.
And the cats think it's a wonderful new toy to climb on or nap on... silly kitties. (No, I don't let them near it when I'm using it)
Weird, wild stuff.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Five years ago
Five years ago tonight, I sat in a new hottub, listening to Mr. Greenwood and watching the Twin Towers fall over and over again on every channel.
The Towers of Light are on in NYC tonight, still the only thing to have risen from ground zero.
I just heard on the news that it takes 7 to 10 years to get over a sudden and tragic loss.
Today I had an active and exciting day, and tonight, after finally being alone for the first time since early this morning, I'm experiencing an admixture of at two very different griefs, one very public and shared, the other very private, yet on some level shared.
Just reflecting in a scattered, disjointed kind of way.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Good things about today
First off, when I was out cleaning my car (it's going in for repairs next week), I heard distant bells. In a few moments, the familiar melody of an ice cream truck came around the bend. I saw the tiny truck drive by, and nearly flagged it down to buy a drumstick or a pushup pop. It rounded the bend and its little melody followed it before I could give in to its haunting lure.
Later, after a flash thunder and hail storm, in the freshly washed air, I found a perfectly golden leaf clinging to my car window. As I drove to the rest of my errands, I passed a golf course. The late summer storm had left a snowy white covering on just the greens.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Day out and about
We had a quick bite at the local fast food joint, and drove across town. My aunt and uncle (Grandma and Grandpa) were babysitting (Mom and Dad at work). We spent a couple hours with the family, as the cast of characters changed (Grandma leaving, Mom arriving). Playing Magna-Doodle, watching PBS Kids Sprout and trying to understand sweet little words spoken around her favorite binky comprised some of the exciting activities. It was good to see everyone, and spend time with the wee one, even a sometimes cranky wee one.
After our visit, Mom and I went to the dollar movie (not quite as good as the fifty cent movie from bygone days - I'll see anything for fifty cents!) and saw Cars. Mom had seen it before, and allowed that she would see it again. I really enjoyed the movie. It was much more geared for adults than I expected, and I even cried a little (*sniff*).
After the movie and a relatively slow dinner, we adjourned to the house to make orange mini muffins (yum!) for Mom's church function in the morning. Nothing like orange mini muffins baking to fill the kitchen with tasty scents and feelings of home.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Um, surprise??
You are a Social Liberal (71% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (25% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Weekend over
Friday evening, I had a good time at my nephew's birthday party. He looked very happy and had a good time with family and friends. We all whipped out our cell phones and called his new phone so he could add the numbers in his address book.
Saturday was extremely quiet, I did a lot of stuff around the house, projects I needed to start or finish, stuff like that. Both kitties enjoyed me being home, and I spent time playing with or petting on them on and off. Watched Labyrinth and Arabian Nights in the background.
Sunday, quiet again, until I got myself going around 2. Made my way to Mom's, where we ended up playing cribbage and watching part of Meet the Fockers (which was much funnier than I expected, all the hype notwithstanding).
After the movie watching, I went over to GirlZoot's and got my game fix for a couple days. We played a quick and dirty hand of Magic, then 3 rounds of Mexican Dominoes (also called Train Dominoes among others). The Boy joined us and we had a rousing time of wit and banter as well as game-y goodness. Three hands of Hearts followed where I got to take the Queen at least once (after I gave it away no less). I always enjoy playing games at GirlZoot's or my kitchen table. I think it's my turn next (whenever they can make it up in my neighborhood).
Today (well, yesterday now) I did some more around the house, with the added benefit of a partner in crime. We managed two meals out, the laundry, the bills, the sheets, and the carpets. Whew!
Overall, a very relaxing weekend, with lots of down time (which I needed more than I realized). I may have to take another day off sometime this month (before my weeklong vacation in October for which I will need to be forgiven). And next weekend, we're off to see the wee one for a few hours at least. We didn't make it to see her this weekend, but since she just got home Friday, I'm sure her parents are looking forward to having some time to adjust.
See you in the world.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Looking into a long weekend
Here's where I am today.
We are going to go see my baby cousin (I've got to come up with a better descriptor than that, she's nearly 2!) at Children's Hospital later today. She had surgery to correct hip dysplasia, and will be in a cast from the waist down for 6 weeks, then another half cast for another 6 weeks. The good things here are that it was caught early (imagine 12 weeks in a cast as an active 6 or 8 year old), she probably won't remember this with stunning detail, and even the doctor said it will be harder on the adults than on her. She's an amazingly adaptive and sweet little girl, and I know she'll come though this and still be a sweet, happy little girl.
I took today off, so I have a nice 4 day weekend ahead of me... where I will endeavor to keep my mind off my job. With all that is going on, it sometimes creeps into my thoughts on my time off, and I try not to let it bother me. The other day, tho, I woke up in a start and called myself at work to cancel something I had scheduled by mistake... Fun times!
After visiting the wee one, I will be going to celebrate my nephew's birthday. He just started high school and is now 15 years old (as of Wednesday). He is taller than me (and his mother, and I believe his father as well) and I can still remember him spitting up on me when he wasn't much bigger than a football. I had just started college when he was born and all sorts of memories are swirling around in my noggin, of his previous birthdays, of when he and his mother visited me in my college dorm, of playing video games, and board games and laughing and watching this incredible boy grow into the young man he is now. And I am honored to be one of the privileged few friends invited to the family dinner tonight.
One last thing, I had a very strange dream last night. Girlzoot and I were mudding on the old HLII MUD. Somehow, instead of just colorful text, it was live action as well, some sort of combination that may have been just part of the dream. Anyway, one of the elder gods was helping Girlzoot and me gain in the attributes of our class, which for my part involved me being humiliated but remaining true to my honesty. Once I was humiliated to death (in the game) I raised my attribute and resurrected in a room called Up on Altia's Rooftop. I tried to read the text of the room (it was created for and by Altia when she attained godhood back in the day) because I wanted to save it. Well, things started happening, as they do on the mud, and the text either never showed or it scrolled by too fast to read. When I was recalled (by the same elder god) I met Girlzoot (in the live action part of the game) and told her what happened.
Ok, I'm off to shower and dress to go see the wee one. Enjoy your holiday weekend, everyone!